Presentation of the Children's Film Festival Takorama
Global Media and Information Literacy Awards
Films pour enfants is the 2021 winner of the UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Awards for its work in image education.
Origin of the International Children's Film Festival Takorama
On the initiative of the Lycée Français de Florence and as part of COVID-19 in 2020, the non-profit organization
Films for Children offered, in the form of a festival for teachers and students around the world, short films accompanied by educational activities.
An international festival exploring the theme of humanism and ecology, completely free and without publicity, with the goal of allowing children to continue school activities at home. All students were encouraged to give feedback and vote for their favorite short film.
« Short films and educational activities »
Encouraging feedback from teachers and children led to the development of this initiative into an annual festival.
Takorama 2021 benefited from 340,418 participants from 115 countries.
10,161 teachers, 4,092 parents, and 326,165 children from 3 to 18 years old (303,190 in school and 22,975 at home) participated in the festival in 2021.
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detailed review of the Takorama 2021 festival...
Takorama International Children's Film Festival objective
A festival of silent animated short films on the themes of humanism and ecology.
The festival aims to offer children around the world free access to auteur animated shorts in an educational context, to accompany school curricula, to raise awareness of artistic practices and to be better prepared for the growing flow of animated images.
« A tool for education to images »
To develop critical thinking, a film culture and a personal artistic practice.
Students are invited to work on understanding stories and messages but also on film genres and narrative forms, or the creative processes and techniques of image production. Children are also invited to give feedback and vote for their favorite short film.
« A tool for education through images »
To approach in a concern of transversality the other domains of learning (living world, history-geography, citizenship...), and transmediality the various modes of expression (literature, painting, music...).
Beyond cinematographic and artistic education, the festival aims to affirm the educational dimension of cinema by positioning it alongside literature and painting as a resource that can accompany and support all teaching; it also allows children to consider animated images not only as entertainment but as a tool for communication.
« Accompanying all of the teachings »
For teachers who plan to regularly use cinema as part of their educational activities, the festival is an introduction to the
platform for education to and through animated images developed by the
NPO Films for children with the support of the french Ministry of National Education and the CNC, as well as in partnership with Réseau Canopé, publisher of public french educational resources. The subscription-based platform offers short films that can be legally used in class and accompanied by educational activities.
Each year, the films selected at the Takorama festival are integrated into the platform.
Operation of the International Children's Film Festival Takorama
The festival, which is completely free of charge and without publicity, takes place every year during 3 months between April and June.
The festival is open to teachers, parents, educational, cultural and social institutions and children from all over the world aged 3 to 18.
Adults register their children or group of children and receive by email the links to view the films and the educational sheets.
Following the viewing of the films and participation in the educational activities, the students vote for their favorite film and award the Children's Prize.
« Completely free and without publicity »
The registration and the postponement of the vote of the children are done on line on the site of the festival; the visioning of the films, the educational activities take place at the school with the teachers, at home with the parents or in the space of the educational, cultural and social institutions (library, museum, Hospital, cine-club...).
Selection of films (selection criteria and members of the selection committee)
Every year, authors and copyright holders from all over the world are invited to submit their short films to the festival. On the basis of a first selection of 50 short films made by
Films for children, a selection committee composed of members of the partners makes the final selection of 15 short films.
The selected films are then organized into 5 age categories according to a grid of adequacy between the content and the age of the children elaborated in collaboration with the NPO
3-6-9-12 as well as
Serge Tisseron, ambassador of the NPO
Films for children.
Copyright holders receive a remuneration for each short film selected in exchange for their participation in the festival and the authorization for educational, cultural and social institutions to use the films in the framework of the festival and non-commercial public uses.
The short films are:
- Films on the themes of the festival: humanism and ecology.
In the broadest sense, cultural diversity, sustainable development, solidarity, friendship, respect for others, tolerance, human rights, citizenship.
- Animated films or films mixing animation and live action.
- Films lasting from 1 to 20 minutes.
- Silent films with no translation or subtitling requirements; they can be watched by children all over the world.
- Films produced before 31 December 2018 with no further production date limitations.
The selection criteria are originality, artistic quality of the direction and poetic dimension of the short films.
Among the members of the selection committee in previous years:
Alexandre Le Voci Sayad (Brazil), Co-Chairman of the ISC (International Steering Committee) of the UNESCO MIL Alliance. CEO of ZeitGeist.
Irene Andriopoulou (Greece), Co-Secretary of the ISC of the UNESCO MIL Alliance. Head of Research, Studies & Educational Programs, EKOME.
Renaud Ferreira de Oliveira (France), Inspector General of the French ministry of national education, youth and sports.
Serge Tisseron (France), President of the NPO 3-6-9-12.
Sonia Winter (France), NPO 3-6-9-12.
The choice of Serge Tisseron and Sonia Winter is the result of a common reflection between different members of the association 3-6-9-12.
Many thanks to Thérèse Auzou-Caillemet, Flore Guattari, Hélène Blondel, Niels Weber and Coralie Raynaud for the selection of the films.
Géraldine Baché (France), Head of Projects of the International Animation Film Market(MIFA), CITIA.
Charline Thenot (France), International Animation Film Market (Mifa) CITIA.
Despoina Lampada (Greece), Research, Studies & Educational Programs Department, EKOME.
Matoula Papadimitriou (Greece), Research, Studies & Educational Programs Department, EKOME.
Sherri Hope Culver (USA), Director of the Center for Media and Information Literacy (CMIL). Co-Vice-Chair of the ISC of the UNESCO MIL Alliance.
Ahmad Khasawneh (Jordan), President of the Irbid National University. Representative of the UNESCO MIL Alliance for Arab States.
Malika Pyarali (Kenya), The Youth Café.
Maureen Amuhinda (Kenya), The Youth Café.
Armyr A. Encarnacion (Philippine), board member of the Philippine Association for Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL).
Pie Mabanta-Fenomeno (Philippine), board member of the Philippine Association for Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL).
Christine Mazereau (France), Executive Director of RECA (Network of French Animation Film Schools).
Olivier Defaye (France), President of Films for Children.
Liana Vila Nova (Brazil), Representative for Brazil and Latin America of Films for Children.
Many thanks to Alexandra Fernandes (ONUDC) Marion Ehalt, Alexandre Le Voci Sayad (UNESCO MIL Alliance). Olivier Defaye (Films for Children), Liana Vila Nova (Films for Children), Géraldine Baché (CITIA), Charline Thenot (CITIA), Serge Tisseron (3-6-9-12), Sonia Winter (3-6-9-12) and Samuel Baluret (Réseau Canopé) for their participation in the 2021 Committee.
Children's Prize

Children from around the world vote for their favorite film and award the
Children's Prize in each of the 5 age categories.
[3-4-5 years] [6-7-8 years] [9-10-11 years] [12-13-14 years] [15 years-and up]
A festival in 20 languages
The festival, aimed at children around the world and especially children in developing countries, is in 20 languages.
Download the poster of the 2021 festival in the respective languages:
English -
French -
Chinese -
Japanese -
Hebrew -
Spanish -
Italian -
Greek -
Portuguese -
German -
Russian -
Uzbek -
Ukrainian -
Czech -
Slovenian -
Arabic -
Hindi -
Bengali -
Swahili -
Indonesian -
Partners of the Children's Film Festival Takorama
The festival Takorama, organized by the NPO
Films for children, develops its educational activity under the patronage of
UNESCO with the main goal of offering, in an educational context, a free access to animated short films to children all over the world.
French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports
French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports (DGESCO) has been supporting the festival financially since 2021 for its operation, the release of film rights, the remuneration of film rights holders and the creation of educational activities.
The Ministry of National Education is the French administration responsible since 1828 for preparing and implementing government policy in the fields of public instruction and national education.
French Ministry of the Overseas
French Ministry of the Overseas has been supporting the festival financially since 2021 for its operation in the overseas departments.
The Ministry of the Overseas (French: Ministère des Outre-mer) is a ministry of the Government of France, responsible for overseeing the Overseas departments, collectivities and territories of the French Republic. Sébastien Lecornu, Minister for Overseas France, supports the projects led by civil society actors, as close as possible to the overseas territories, in the service of living together and strengthening social cohesion.
National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication (EKOME) has been supporting the festival financially since 2023 for the communication of the festival in Greece and the creation of educational material specific to Greece.
EKOME, a legal entity under private law supervised by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance, has the mission to protect, support and promote public and private, domestic and foreign initiatives in the field of audiovisual media and communication in Greece.
Within its 3rd pillar, Educate (, EKOME places an emphasis on Media and Information Literacy, developing actions and policies to empower users in all forms of expression and engagement in the digital environment towards a competitive creative industry and knowledge society. In this context, EKOME coordinates
UNESCO MIL Alliance Mediterranean Group.
Within the framework of this partnership, EKOME revises and translates the festival's web pages and educational activities into Greek and participates in the communication and promotion of the festival in Greece.
EKOME also participates in the Takorama 2023 film selection committee.
Link: Contact:
Consulate General of France in Recife
Consulate General of France in Recife and the French Embassy in Brazil have financially supportedfinancially supported the 2021 festival for its actions of education to images in Brazil.
The Cooperation and Cultural Action Department of the Consulate General of France for the Nordeste in Recife (Service de coopération et d'action culturelle du Consulat Général de France pour le Nordeste à Recife) supported production and communication costs, especially the translation of French content into Portuguese.
AOKIstudio, sponsor of the Takorama Festival, has been financially supporting the festival since its inception in 2020.
AOKIstudio, created in 1999, is an animation film studio based in Paris, Tokyo and Shanghai whose shareholders are also the founding members of the non-profit organization Films for children.
UNESCO Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Alliance is a groundbreaking effort to promote international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to media and information competencies. This pioneering initiative was launched in 2013 and aims to articulate concrete partnerships to drive MIL development and impact globally, enabling the MIL community to speak as one voice.
NPO Films for children is a UNESCO MIL Alliance member.
The UNESCO MIL Alliance participated in the selection committee of the short films for Takorama 2021 and will also participate in 2023.
Education for Justice (E4J) initiative of the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)’s aims at empowering the next generation to become socially responsible global citizens with a sound moral and ethical compass who are prepared to tackle the world’s challenges related to the rule of law. It seeks to promote a culture of lawfulness, help educators teach on rule of law issues and encourage students to actively engage in their communities and future professions in this regard. To achieve these objectives, different age-appropriate educational tools and activities for the primary, secondary and tertiary education levels have been developed by E4J together with partners. At the primary level (children aged from 6 to 12 years), the
educational materials and tools provided by E4J are aimed at equipping children with skills such as conflict resolution, critical thinking, empathy and teamwork, and promoting and teaching values such as acceptance, fairness, integrity and respect. At the secondary education level (13 to 18-year old students), E4J has created interactive pedagogical resources such as educational
videos accompanied by guides for teachers. Through these materials, E4J empowers students with knowledge and skills about the rule of law issues that surround them, enabling them to promote the rule of law in their communities.
Réseau Canopé
Réseau Canopé is a French public establishment under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education. It is the editorial arm of the National Education service, and as such it ensures the editing, production and distribution of educational resources. It contributes to the development of information and communication technologies in education as well as in artistic and cultural education.
Réseau Canopé participated in 2018 in the creation of educational materials used each year for the Takorama festival.
Institut français
Institut Français is a French public industrial and commercial organization started by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for promoting French speaking world as well as local cultures around the world. The Institut français works closely with the French cultural network abroad, which consists of 98 French institutes and 386 Alliances françaises around the world.
In this context, the Institut français encourages the Takorama 2021 festival and communicates our action throughout the world.
3-6-9-12, created by Serge Tisseron, is a group of field practitioners, researchers and university students, that wish to participate to a mission with the aim of educating the public in the domain of screens and digital tools by relying on the tags 3-6-9-12 imagined by Serge Tisseron.
Serge Tisseron, psychiatrist, doctor in psychology and member of the Academy of Technologies, is the author of several essays on the relations that we establish with images and the impacts of new technologies on the development of children.
Serge Tisseron is also ambassador of
Films for children.
CITIA, Cité de l'image en mouvement d'Annecy, organizes the world's largest event dedicated to animated cinema every year in June with the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (FIFA) and its Market (MIFA).
As part of a partnership, the selection of the Takorama 2021 festival includes many short films previously selected at the Annecy festival.
I TRA CORTI is a NPO based in Furiani in Haute-Corse whose purpose is to develop and organize cultural activities, particularly cinematographic.
Within this framework, I TRA CORTI participates in the communication and the organization of the festival Takorama 2023 with the cultural, educational and social institutions of Corsica.
NEMOLCHI is an independent information project against violence in Uzbekistan and informs, based on anonymous stories, cases of violence and statistics. These stories aspire to get out of the circle of violence in Uzbekistan.
Knowing about other cases allows us to understand that we are not alone and perhaps to act against violence.
Within the framework of the partnership, NEMOLCHI participates in the communication and promotion of the festival in Uzbekistan.
The mission of
NexSchools is to develop a challenging education beyond academic achievement for a positive community and a strong ethos.
NexSchools supports, advocates and promotes social causes in India and around the world, both public and private, that focus on media and information literacy, online safety and sustainable development. The campaign for Cyber Safety Awareness by NexSchools (Make Happier & Safer Internet Experiences) is a holistic and pragmatic approach for tacking online safety challenges in schools. To achieve this objective, age-specific educational resources with certificate courses and books (primary and secondary education) are developed for positive and responsible Internet use. The goal is to prepare a new generation of learners equipped for the future digital media literacy skills as per guidelines provided in UNESCO Media and Information Literacy framework.
As a part of the partnership with TAKORAMA Festival, NexSchools happily ensures the communication and promotion of the film festival in India.
Link: Contact:
Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts & Science (KCLAS) is the result of a rich heritage, strong vision and commitment of the
Sakthi Group.
Its reputation stems not least from its founding fathers and the vision of visionary educator and founding chairman, Dr.N.Mahalingam.
KCLAS, along with all Kumaraguru institutions (
Kumaraguru College of Technology,
KCT Business School,
Kumararguru Institute of Agriculture), exemplifies the interdisciplinary approach and invests in intellectual vitality through its transformative approach, education and research activities and local and national engagement. KCLAS is also affiliated with
Bharathiar University, a university ranked 20th in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, South India, a traditional and vibrant city, the engine of an entrepreneurial spirit and a thriving export industry since Roman times whose higher education, research and innovation play an important role in social cohesion, economic growth and global competitiveness.
As part of the partnership with the Takorama festival, KCLAS provides communication and promotion of the festival in India and Tamil countries such as the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Singapore and Sri Lanka.
Created in 2006,
CIMA is the Association of women on film and audiovisual media, a professional association whose aim is to promote an egalitarian presence of filmmakers and professionals, contributing to a balanced and realistic representation of women inside the content that our field offers.
CIMA activities, initiatives and events are based on promoting and advancing on gender equity on women on film and television in Spain and according to goal 5 of UN Sustainable Goals and 2030 Agenda. These initiatives are organized all over Spain territory, including Canary Islands, in collaboration with European Union programs and Spanish Institutions.
As a part of the partnership with Takorama Festival, CIMA ensures the communication and promotion of the film festival in Spain.
Millennium Media
Millennium Media, located in Yaoundé in Cameroon, is projecting to become one of the leading podcast agencies and media production companies in Cameroon and Africa. Indeed, the Company is a Subsidiary of Bokally Farms or rather Its Communications, Marketing and Medias Department.
Founded in 2022, Millennium Media specializes both in audio and video podcast production and is focused on subjects such as African history, Lifestyle, Culture and Tourism. Its team has put together an excellent roster of audio and video engineers from Africa and America.
Plus, they are also just great people to spend time with, if you happen to meet them at a conference.
As a part of the partnership with Takorama Festival, Millennium Media ensures the communication of the film festival in Cameroon.
The Youth Café
The Youth Café is a non-profit youth organisation established in Kenya in 2012 by a group of young people who designed the model currently used.
One of the focus areas highlighted in the
Theory of Change is Education and Skills. The Youth Café aspires to provide high quality education and training systems, that are efficient and that facilitate young people’s access and integration. The Youth Cafés mission is to enrich the lives of young people and advance youth-led approaches toward achieving sustainable development, social equity, innovative solutions and community resilience.
The collaboration with Takorama allows to exploit the respective skills and knowledge to build an educated society.
The Youth Café, as a partner of Takorama participates with its network to promote the festival in Kenya and Africa.
Link: Contact:
Irbid National University
INU (Irbid National Universit) is an independent institution of higher education to transmit and perpetuate Jordan, as well as to serve the general community in keeping with the historic of Jordan's commitment to intellectual inquiry, the transmission of knowledge, social justice, and service to society.
INU was founded in 1991. Its leaders were very eager to participate in development, knowledge improvement initiatives established for youth and the society, as well as become a major university entrepreneurial force in Jordan and the Middle East. INU's goals are to provide the highest level of service to the university community, to be fair and to preserve the dignity and freedom of all.
As part of the partnership with the Takorama festival, INU participates in the communication of the film festival not only in Jordan but also to Arab media and ministries of education of Arab governments as well as ministries of media, culture and children.
Center for Media and Information Literacy
Center for Media and Information Literacy (CMIL) was established in 2012 at the Klein College of Media and Communication, Temple University, United States, as a hub for research, outreach, education, and professional development on issues involving media literacy and information literacy locally, nationally, and internationally. The Center for Media and Information Literacy provides tools for educators and the media industry to advance critical analysis, use and creation of quality media content.
The work of the CMIL is strategically aligned around three areas, scholarship, media industry and community service.
Within the framework of the partnership with the Takorama festival, CMIL participates in the communication of the film festival in North America.
Commonwealth Peoples’ Association of Uganda
Commonwealth Peoples’ Association of Uganda (CPAUG) #UGCommonwealth, founded in 2005 with the objective of promoting the 2013 Commonwealth Charter and values in Uganda, works closely with various stakeholders in Uganda and outside Uganda such as government, civil society, educational institutions and development partners.
Key programme activities are consumer protection (rights awareness), ICT4D promotion (access & usage), health promotion (prevention, rights and responsibilities, road safety), #STEM4Girls, environmental protection and climate change, information sharing and policy reform. CPAUG held the first ever Uganda Parental Forum #UGAPAF in 2015 and works with key civil society actors like the Uganda National NGO Forum as a founding member to the National CSO Fair concept that aims at making sure the civil society comes together to showcase their development initiatives through workshops and exhibitions. Since 2008, CPAUG has undertaken several community engagements focused on in-school and out-of-school youth to share information on key national and global development issues.
Within the framework of the partnership with the Takorama festival, CPAUG participates in the communication of the film festival in Uganda.
Contact: Mr. Kiapi K. Frederick, executive director:
Philippine Association for Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL) is a non-profit organization of educators, trainers and practitioners committed to promoting media and information literacy (MIL) as a lifelong learning skill in a knowledge-based economy and media-saturated Philippine society.
Within the framework of the partnership with the Takorama festival, the PAMIL participates in the communication of the film festival in Philippines.